Welsh word for table Welsh word for table tennis Welsh word for tactical
Welsh word for tail Welsh word for tailor Welsh word for take
Welsh word for take advantage Welsh word for take advantage of Welsh word for take off
Welsh word for take pictures Welsh word for tale Welsh word for talent
Welsh word for talk Welsh word for talkative Welsh word for tall
Welsh word for tame Welsh word for tannery Welsh word for tape
Welsh word for tape recorder Welsh word for tarry Welsh word for taste
Welsh word for tattle Welsh word for tax Welsh word for taxi
Welsh word for tea Welsh word for teach Welsh word for teacher
Welsh word for teachers Welsh word for team Welsh word for teapot
Welsh word for tear Welsh word for tears Welsh word for technique
Welsh word for tedious Welsh word for teetotaller Welsh word for telephone
Welsh word for television Welsh word for tell Welsh word for temper
Welsh word for temple Welsh word for tempt Welsh word for ten
Welsh word for tenacious Welsh word for tenant Welsh word for tench
Welsh word for tend Welsh word for tendency Welsh word for tender
Welsh word for tenderness Welsh word for tennis Welsh word for tension
Welsh word for tent Welsh word for tenth Welsh word for tents
Welsh word for term Welsh word for terms Welsh word for terrible
Welsh word for terrible pity Welsh word for territory Welsh word for testify
Welsh word for testimonials Welsh word for text Welsh word for thank
Welsh word for thank goodness Welsh word for thank greatly Welsh word for thanks
Welsh word for that Welsh word for that is Welsh word for thatched roof
Welsh word for thaw Welsh word for the inevitable Welsh word for the left
Welsh word for the one .... the other Welsh word for the other one Welsh word for the other ones
Welsh word for the public Welsh word for the rascal Welsh word for theatre
Welsh word for their Welsh word for then Welsh word for then again
Welsh word for there Welsh word for there are Welsh word for there is
Welsh word for there is no sight of Welsh word for thermometer Welsh word for these
Welsh word for these days Welsh word for thick Welsh word for thimble
Welsh word for thin Welsh word for thing Welsh word for think
Welsh word for think about Welsh word for third Welsh word for thirst
Welsh word for thirteen Welsh word for thirty Welsh word for thirty one
Welsh word for thirty two Welsh word for this Welsh word for this year
Welsh word for thorn Welsh word for thorny Welsh word for thoroughly
Welsh word for those Welsh word for thoughtful Welsh word for thousand
Welsh word for thousandth Welsh word for thread Welsh word for threadbare
Welsh word for threat Welsh word for threaten Welsh word for threateningly
Welsh word for three Welsh word for three hundred Welsh word for thresh
Welsh word for threshold Welsh word for threshold level Welsh word for thrilling
Welsh word for thrity Welsh word for throb Welsh word for throne
Welsh word for through Welsh word for throughout Welsh word for throw
Welsh word for throw away Welsh word for thrust Welsh word for thumb
Welsh word for thump Welsh word for thunder Welsh word for thunderbolt
Welsh word for thundering Welsh word for ticket Welsh word for tickle
Welsh word for tidy Welsh word for tidy up Welsh word for tie
Welsh word for tiger Welsh word for tile Welsh word for till when
Welsh word for timber Welsh word for time Welsh word for time after time
Welsh word for timetable Welsh word for timid Welsh word for tin
Welsh word for tinful Welsh word for tired Welsh word for tiresome
Welsh word for title Welsh word for to Welsh word for to a great extent
Welsh word for to attempt it Welsh word for to be able to Welsh word for to blame
Welsh word for to shop Welsh word for to tell the truth Welsh word for to time
Welsh word for to use Welsh word for tobacco Welsh word for today
Welsh word for together Welsh word for toilet Welsh word for tom-cat
Welsh word for tomorrow Welsh word for tomorrow morning Welsh word for tongue
Welsh word for tonight Welsh word for too Welsh word for too many
Welsh word for tools Welsh word for tooth Welsh word for toothache
Welsh word for toothless Welsh word for top Welsh word for torch
Welsh word for torrent Welsh word for tortuous Welsh word for torture
Welsh word for tot Welsh word for total Welsh word for touch
Welsh word for touchy Welsh word for tough Welsh word for toward
Welsh word for towards Welsh word for tower Welsh word for town
Welsh word for town centre Welsh word for toy Welsh word for tradition
Welsh word for traffic Welsh word for trail Welsh word for train
Welsh word for traitor Welsh word for traits Welsh word for trample
Welsh word for trampling Welsh word for transfer Welsh word for translate
Welsh word for translator Welsh word for translators Welsh word for travel
Welsh word for traveller Welsh word for travelling Welsh word for tray
Welsh word for tread Welsh word for treasure Welsh word for treasurer
Welsh word for treat Welsh word for treaty Welsh word for trees
Welsh word for trembling Welsh word for tremendous Welsh word for tribe
Welsh word for tributary Welsh word for trick Welsh word for trickle
Welsh word for trifles Welsh word for trip Welsh word for trolley
Welsh word for troop Welsh word for trouble Welsh word for trout
Welsh word for trust Welsh word for try Welsh word for tuft
Welsh word for tune Welsh word for tunnel Welsh word for turn
Welsh word for turn a deaf ear to Welsh word for turn into Welsh word for turn on
Welsh word for turn sour Welsh word for turn to Welsh word for turning point
Welsh word for turnip Welsh word for turns Welsh word for twelve
Welsh word for twenty Welsh word for twenty one Welsh word for twenty two
Welsh word for twice Welsh word for twigs Welsh word for twilight
Welsh word for twist Welsh word for two Welsh word for two hundred
Welsh word for type Welsh word for typewriter Welsh word for typist
Welsh word for tyre