Welsh word for rabbit Welsh word for race Welsh word for racial
Welsh word for racist Welsh word for rack Welsh word for racket
Welsh word for radar Welsh word for radical Welsh word for radio
Welsh word for radioactive Welsh word for radioactivity Welsh word for radish
Welsh word for radius Welsh word for raffle Welsh word for raft
Welsh word for rag Welsh word for rage Welsh word for rags
Welsh word for raid Welsh word for railway Welsh word for rain
Welsh word for rainy Welsh word for raisin Welsh word for rake
Welsh word for ram Welsh word for rank Welsh word for ransom
Welsh word for rape Welsh word for rascals Welsh word for rate
Welsh word for rate of interest Welsh word for rather Welsh word for rather than
Welsh word for ration Welsh word for rattle Welsh word for raven
Welsh word for ravine Welsh word for re-employ Welsh word for reach
Welsh word for react Welsh word for read Welsh word for ready
Welsh word for realise Welsh word for really Welsh word for reason
Welsh word for reasonable Welsh word for rebellion Welsh word for rebellious
Welsh word for rebound Welsh word for recede Welsh word for receipt
Welsh word for receive Welsh word for receiver Welsh word for recite
Welsh word for recite to Welsh word for reckoning Welsh word for recognise
Welsh word for recognize Welsh word for recommend Welsh word for reconcile
Welsh word for record Welsh word for recovery Welsh word for red
Welsh word for redden Welsh word for refer Welsh word for refer to
Welsh word for reference Welsh word for reflect Welsh word for reflection
Welsh word for refrain from Welsh word for refuse Welsh word for region
Welsh word for register Welsh word for registrar Welsh word for regrettably
Welsh word for regular Welsh word for reinforce Welsh word for reinforcing
Welsh word for relate Welsh word for relationship Welsh word for release
Welsh word for relevant Welsh word for relief Welsh word for religion
Welsh word for remainder Welsh word for remaining Welsh word for remarkable
Welsh word for remember Welsh word for remember about Welsh word for remember to
Welsh word for remembrance Welsh word for reminiscent Welsh word for renounce
Welsh word for rent Welsh word for repeat Welsh word for repent
Welsh word for repentance Welsh word for report Welsh word for represent
Welsh word for representation Welsh word for representatives Welsh word for reprimand
Welsh word for reproach Welsh word for request Welsh word for research
Welsh word for resemble Welsh word for reserved seat Welsh word for residential
Welsh word for resolved Welsh word for resources Welsh word for resourcesresources
Welsh word for respect Welsh word for respectful Welsh word for responsibility
Welsh word for responsible Welsh word for rest Welsh word for restaurant
Welsh word for restless Welsh word for restlessness Welsh word for restrain
Welsh word for result Welsh word for results Welsh word for retreat from
Welsh word for return Welsh word for revelation Welsh word for review
Welsh word for revise Welsh word for revive Welsh word for revolution
Welsh word for revolutionary Welsh word for reward Welsh word for rewarder
Welsh word for rheumatism Welsh word for rhyme Welsh word for rib
Welsh word for rich Welsh word for rick Welsh word for riddle
Welsh word for ride Welsh word for ridge Welsh word for right
Welsh word for rim Welsh word for ringed Welsh word for rinse
Welsh word for ripe Welsh word for ripen Welsh word for rise
Welsh word for rising Welsh word for river Welsh word for river bank
Welsh word for road Welsh word for roar Welsh word for roast
Welsh word for robber Welsh word for rock music Welsh word for roll
Welsh word for Roman Catholic Welsh word for romance Welsh word for roof
Welsh word for room Welsh word for root Welsh word for rooted
Welsh word for roots Welsh word for rope Welsh word for rose
Welsh word for rosy-cheeked Welsh word for rot Welsh word for rough
Welsh word for round Welsh word for rove Welsh word for row
Welsh word for royal palace Welsh word for rub Welsh word for rubbish
Welsh word for rude Welsh word for rugby Welsh word for ruin
Welsh word for ruins Welsh word for rule Welsh word for ruler
Welsh word for rumour Welsh word for run Welsh word for run to
Welsh word for runner Welsh word for rush Welsh word for rushes
Welsh word for Russian Welsh word for rust