Welsh word for oak Welsh word for oak tree Welsh word for oak trees
Welsh word for oar Welsh word for oath Welsh word for obedient
Welsh word for obey Welsh word for object Welsh word for objectives
Welsh word for objector Welsh word for obligation Welsh word for oblige
Welsh word for obliged to Welsh word for oblivion Welsh word for observant
Welsh word for obvious Welsh word for obviously Welsh word for occasions
Welsh word for October Welsh word for odd Welsh word for of course
Welsh word for of every kind Welsh word for of importance Welsh word for of no importance
Welsh word for of noble lineage Welsh word for of spring Welsh word for off we go
Welsh word for Offa's Dyke Welsh word for offend Welsh word for offer
Welsh word for offer to do Welsh word for office Welsh word for official
Welsh word for offspring Welsh word for often Welsh word for oil
Welsh word for OK Welsh word for old Welsh word for old age
Welsh word for old man Welsh word for old mansion Welsh word for old-womanish
Welsh word for oldness Welsh word for omit Welsh word for on
Welsh word for on any account Welsh word for on average Welsh word for on both sides
Welsh word for on his oath Welsh word for on the borders Welsh word for on the edge of
Welsh word for on the outskirts of Welsh word for on the point of Welsh word for on the point of starving
Welsh word for on top of Welsh word for once Welsh word for once in a while
Welsh word for one Welsh word for one hundred and ten Welsh word for one needs
Welsh word for one to the other Welsh word for only Welsh word for open
Welsh word for open wide Welsh word for opinion Welsh word for opportunities
Welsh word for opportunity Welsh word for opposite Welsh word for opposition
Welsh word for opposition party Welsh word for oppressive Welsh word for or
Welsh word for or not Welsh word for or whether Welsh word for orange
Welsh word for ordained Welsh word for order Welsh word for orderly
Welsh word for ordinary Welsh word for organ Welsh word for organis
Welsh word for organised Welsh word for originality Welsh word for other
Welsh word for otherwise Welsh word for our Welsh word for out of sight
Welsh word for outlaw Welsh word for outline Welsh word for outside
Welsh word for outside half Welsh word for outskirts Welsh word for oven
Welsh word for over Welsh word for over there Welsh word for overalls
Welsh word for overcome Welsh word for overseas Welsh word for owl
Welsh word for own Welsh word for owner Welsh word for ox
Welsh word for oyster