Welsh word for cackle Welsh word for cahin Welsh word for cairn
Welsh word for cake Welsh word for calendar Welsh word for calf
Welsh word for call Welsh word for call at Welsh word for calm
Welsh word for calmer Welsh word for camera Welsh word for camp
Welsh word for candid Welsh word for candidate Welsh word for canvas
Welsh word for capable Welsh word for capital Welsh word for capitalist
Welsh word for captivity Welsh word for capture Welsh word for car
Welsh word for carcass Welsh word for card Welsh word for career
Welsh word for careful Welsh word for caress Welsh word for caretaker
Welsh word for carp Welsh word for carpenter Welsh word for carriage
Welsh word for carry Welsh word for case Welsh word for cast
Welsh word for castle Welsh word for cat Welsh word for catch
Welsh word for catch salmon Welsh word for catfish Welsh word for catholic
Welsh word for cattle Welsh word for cattle dealer Welsh word for cause
Welsh word for cause injustice Welsh word for cave Welsh word for cease
Welsh word for ceaseless Welsh word for celebrate Welsh word for cellar
Welsh word for central Welsh word for central area Welsh word for centre
Welsh word for centuries Welsh word for century Welsh word for certainly
Welsh word for certainty Welsh word for chair Welsh word for challenge
Welsh word for champion Welsh word for chance Welsh word for change
Welsh word for channel Welsh word for chant Welsh word for chaos
Welsh word for chapter Welsh word for char Welsh word for characterise
Welsh word for characteristics Welsh word for charge Welsh word for charm
Welsh word for charming Welsh word for chart Welsh word for chat
Welsh word for chat with Welsh word for chatter Welsh word for cheap
Welsh word for cheeks Welsh word for cheese Welsh word for cheque
Welsh word for cheque card Welsh word for chess Welsh word for chessboard
Welsh word for chest Welsh word for chew Welsh word for chicken
Welsh word for chief Welsh word for child Welsh word for children
Welsh word for chill Welsh word for chin Welsh word for chips
Welsh word for chisel Welsh word for choice Welsh word for choke
Welsh word for choose Welsh word for chosen Welsh word for christening
Welsh word for chub Welsh word for church Welsh word for churlish
Welsh word for churn Welsh word for cinema Welsh word for cintribute
Welsh word for circle Welsh word for circuit Welsh word for citizen
Welsh word for city Welsh word for civilisation Welsh word for civilised
Welsh word for class Welsh word for classify Welsh word for claw
Welsh word for clean Welsh word for cleaning Welsh word for cleanse
Welsh word for clear Welsh word for click Welsh word for cliff
Welsh word for climax Welsh word for climb Welsh word for climber
Welsh word for climg Welsh word for cloak Welsh word for clock
Welsh word for clod Welsh word for close Welsh word for clothes
Welsh word for cloud Welsh word for club Welsh word for clumsily
Welsh word for clumsy Welsh word for cluster Welsh word for co-operate
Welsh word for co-operation Welsh word for co-operative Welsh word for coaching
Welsh word for coal Welsh word for coal mine Welsh word for coal scars
Welsh word for coast Welsh word for coat Welsh word for coax
Welsh word for cobbler Welsh word for coble Welsh word for cockles
Welsh word for cod Welsh word for coffee Welsh word for cognition
Welsh word for coincidence Welsh word for cold Welsh word for coldish
Welsh word for collect Welsh word for collection Welsh word for college
Welsh word for colleges Welsh word for colloquial Welsh word for collwge
Welsh word for colonies Welsh word for colony Welsh word for comb
Welsh word for come Welsh word for come back Welsh word for comfort
Welsh word for comfortable Welsh word for coming Welsh word for command
Welsh word for commentary Welsh word for commerce Welsh word for commission
Welsh word for commit Welsh word for committee Welsh word for common
Welsh word for common people Welsh word for commotion Welsh word for communicate
Welsh word for communication Welsh word for communities Welsh word for community
Welsh word for companies Welsh word for companions Welsh word for company
Welsh word for comparative Welsh word for comparatively Welsh word for compare
Welsh word for comparison Welsh word for compel Welsh word for competence
Welsh word for complain Welsh word for complain of Welsh word for complete
Welsh word for completely Welsh word for complex Welsh word for complicated
Welsh word for compose poetry Welsh word for comprehend Welsh word for comprehensive
Welsh word for computer Welsh word for conceal Welsh word for concealhide
Welsh word for concentrate Welsh word for concert Welsh word for condemnation
Welsh word for condition Welsh word for conditions Welsh word for conference
Welsh word for confess Welsh word for confession Welsh word for confidence
Welsh word for confident Welsh word for confuse Welsh word for confused
Welsh word for confusion Welsh word for conger eel Welsh word for congratulate
Welsh word for conjunction Welsh word for connection Welsh word for conquer
Welsh word for conscience Welsh word for conscientious Welsh word for conscientious objector
Welsh word for conscript Welsh word for consensus Welsh word for consequence
Welsh word for consequences Welsh word for consider Welsh word for considerable
Welsh word for consistent Welsh word for consolation Welsh word for constantly
Welsh word for constitution Welsh word for constructive Welsh word for consult
Welsh word for consumption Welsh word for contact Welsh word for contain
Welsh word for contempt Welsh word for content Welsh word for context
Welsh word for continent Welsh word for continental Welsh word for continually
Welsh word for continuous Welsh word for contour Welsh word for contribute to
Welsh word for contribution Welsh word for control Welsh word for convenient
Welsh word for conversation Welsh word for conversion Welsh word for convictions
Welsh word for convince Welsh word for convinced Welsh word for cook
Welsh word for cool Welsh word for cooperate Welsh word for cope
Welsh word for copper Welsh word for copy Welsh word for copyright
Welsh word for corduroy Welsh word for corn Welsh word for corner
Welsh word for cornflakes Welsh word for coronation Welsh word for corporation
Welsh word for corpse Welsh word for corpses Welsh word for correct
Welsh word for correspond Welsh word for costs Welsh word for cosy
Welsh word for cottage Welsh word for cotton grass Welsh word for counsellor
Welsh word for count Welsh word for counter Welsh word for counter charge
Welsh word for counterproductive Welsh word for counties Welsh word for countrified
Welsh word for country Welsh word for country bumpkin Welsh word for countryside
Welsh word for county Welsh word for courage Welsh word for courageous
Welsh word for courses Welsh word for court Welsh word for courting
Welsh word for covenant Welsh word for covered Welsh word for cow
Welsh word for coward Welsh word for cowardly Welsh word for cowshed
Welsh word for crab Welsh word for craft Welsh word for craftsman
Welsh word for crazy Welsh word for create Welsh word for creation
Welsh word for creative Welsh word for creature Welsh word for credit
Welsh word for creed Welsh word for crew Welsh word for crib
Welsh word for crime Welsh word for criminal Welsh word for crisis
Welsh word for crisps Welsh word for critic Welsh word for critical
Welsh word for criticize Welsh word for crooked Welsh word for crop
Welsh word for cross Welsh word for crossroads Welsh word for crow
Welsh word for crowd Welsh word for crown Welsh word for crown of the head
Welsh word for crowned Welsh word for crucifix Welsh word for cruel
Welsh word for crumb Welsh word for crumble Welsh word for cry
Welsh word for cry out Welsh word for cult Welsh word for cultivate
Welsh word for cultural Welsh word for culture Welsh word for cultured
Welsh word for cunning Welsh word for cup Welsh word for cupboard
Welsh word for cure Welsh word for curl up Welsh word for curriculum
Welsh word for curse Welsh word for curtly Welsh word for custody
Welsh word for custom Welsh word for customers Welsh word for customs
Welsh word for cut Welsh word for cut up Welsh word for cuts